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15.12.2010, 21:16
eth pal shield максимум 45@ на болванке, а не 60 - если из хэльных стоит крайне дорого

16.12.2010, 06:33
eth pal shield максимум 45@ на болванке, а не 60 - если из хэльных стоит крайне дорого
из хельных мне и надо знать,около охма или дороже?
А по поводу тех предметов что я описала.

16.12.2010, 13:34
А Даск Шроуд с 4-мя сокетами? И что в нем можно собрать?
Че-то мне на болванки всякие везет последнее время)

16.12.2010, 20:00
какой деф у даска? coh можно к примеру

пала щит конечно выше охма... и даже выше бера хороший будет стоить.

и вообще я не шарю в ценах на пг - на форуме там спрашивайте

04.09.2011, 00:19
прив) у кого есть полезные для сорки вещи?! приму в дар или обменяю на имеющиеся у меня!

09.09.2011, 11:51
Сколько примерно стоит Magefist, Tal-Rasha Guardianship, Tal-Rasha Adjudication в рунах/пгемах?

10.09.2011, 15:38
магефист пул
броня mal/ist
третье тоже походу пул, если это не амулет

10.09.2011, 23:11
третье тоже походу пул, если это не амулет

Как раз амулет это и есть. Спасибо.

11.09.2011, 15:07
ну амулет тоже мал/ист где-то

18.09.2011, 18:26
Сколько стоят лоу: String of Ears, The Rising Sun, Moser's Blessed Circle, средний Raven Frost?

21.09.2011, 19:50
всё по пулу... иногда и по лему

22.09.2011, 22:36
всё по пулу... иногда и по лему

А сколько будет стоить Herald of Zakarum на 193% ED?
P.S. спасибо что терпишь нуба и отвечаешь:ay:

23.09.2011, 07:05
Suicide Branch
Burnt Wand
Повреждения с одной руки: 8-18
Требуемый уровень: 33
Требуемая сила: 25
Прочность: 15
150% Damage To Undead
+1 To All Skills
50% Faster Cast Rate
Increase Maximum Mana 10%
All Resistances +10
+40 To Life
Attacker Takes Damage of 25

The Fetid Sprinkler
Holy Water Sprinkler
Повреждения с одной руки: 54-126
Требуемый уровень: 38
Требуемая сила: 76
Прочность: 60
+181% Enhanced Damage
Adds 15-25 Damage
+50% Damage To Undead
+2 To Paladin Skill Levels
10% Chance To Cast Level 1 Confuse On Attack
5% Chance To Cast Level 1 Decrepify On Attack
+160 Poison Damage Over 4 Seconds
+153 To Attack Rating

Halaberd's Reign
Conqueror Crown
Защита: 430
Требуемый уровень: 77
Требуемая сила: 174
Прочность: 50
(Barbarian Only)
+169% Enhanced Defense
Replenish Life +17
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
+2 To Barbarian Skill Levels
+1 To Masteries (Barbarian Only)
+1 To Battle Command (Barbarian Only)
+1 To Battle Orders (Barbarian Only)
Chromatic Ire
Cedar Staff
Повреждения с двух рук: 11 To 32
Требуемый уровень: 35
Требуемая сила: 25
Прочность: 35
+50% Damage To Undead
20% Faster Cast Rate
+3 To Sorceress Skill Levels
Increase Maximum Life 25%
All Resistances +26
Attacker Takes Lightning Damage Of 20
+1 To Cold Mastery (Sorceress Only)
+1 To Lightning Mastery (Sorceress Only)
+1 To Fire Mastery (Sorceress Only)

Ornate Plate
Защита: 1177
Требуемый уровень: 55
Требуемая сила: 170
Прочность: 60
+161% Enhanced Defense
Level 5 Corpse Explosion (40 Charges)
Adds 12-36 Fire Damage
6% Chance To Cast Level 2 Iron Maiden When Struck
Cold Resist +35%
+10 To Vitality
+8 To Strength

Blackoak Shield
Защита: 365
Требуемый уровень: 61
Требуемая сила: 100
Шанс блока: 40%
Прочность: 129
+196% Enhanced Defense
+ 11 Absorb Cold Damage (Based On Character Level)
+ 22 To Life (Based On Character Level)
+ 9 To Dexterity (Based On Character Level)
+50% Faster Block Rate
+4% Chance To Cast Level 5 Weaken When Struck
Half Freeze Duration

Ну и там ещё доспех гризвольда,шапка тр,булава алдура...
Сколько что будет стоить?)И будет ли вообще(хочу продать)
Играю на пг..

23.09.2011, 14:28
rare amul

+2 traps (assa)
+3 dex
+59 hp
+10 Cres
+10 Fres
+10 Pres
+49 Lres

req lvl: 30


28.09.2011, 21:44
джевел 37 ед + 9 макс дамаги
http://s2.ipicture.ru/uploads/20110928/cXFSzSDT.jpg эти перчи
кольцо 10фкр 82 маны

rare gauntlers 15def
1Martial Arts 3%mana leech 27ed 23mf
4 lvl weaken 30 charges

и еще были рарные джевелы с +7 фхр, они вообще полезные? или только с иас?
вообще можно в двух словах какие суффиксы аффиксы можно дорого загонять? или хотябы не выбрасывать :ag:

02.10.2011, 11:57
За сколько можно купить Дракулсы и БотД в эфирном Berserker Axe?

05.10.2011, 19:40
зака где-то мал или ист... хотя может и меньше.

Suicide Branch оставляй, остальное акаре.

трап амул акара за бабло купит, было бы 17+ fcr чего бы нибудь да стоил.

Mefiska, джевел оставляй - цена хз. Перчи и кольцо акаре. Перчи норм это 2 джава 20 иас, str+dex (от 20 до 30 суммарно) и резисты. Джавелины дорогие очень если 250+ ed +fools +40 иас +eth сэлф репэир или 400+ed +eth сэлф репэир, или 6 джава 40 иас.

Дракулсы стоят мал обычно, ботд не покуапл, но раза в полтора дешевле грифа...

06.10.2011, 18:21
Подскажите, сколько стоит Анди Фейс и Ондалс Виздом(перфект)?

06.10.2011, 18:22
В рунах, Пул или выше\ниже?

06.10.2011, 23:16
В рунах, Пул или выше\ниже?

Если европа-софт-ладдер, то вроде повыше будет. Хотя не играл давно, черт его знает. Перфектный ондал - если это тот, что экспу личит (все забыл, млин), то относительно недешево. Анди - как раз пул и дал бы, но тут зависит от конкретных спросов и сапплаев, то есть времени и места игры.

06.10.2011, 23:22
трап амул акара за бабло купит, было бы 17+ fcr чего бы нибудь да стоил.

Да ты чо, айрон, 17ФКр это хай-лвл рек, у нее же 30 всего требует. Миддл дуэль вполне, на нем же лайф и резисты, хоть и мелкие. Ну и носить можно на тех же миддл-левелах, пока не упадет поприличнее.
Кстате, ассе ж вроде ИАС для скорости ловушек, че ей ФКР? Тем более с голыми трапсами? Телепорт и Фкр - это хай-левел все и больше ПвП, в ПвМ ассе телепорт нафиг, она и бегает нехило, а через речку драгоном.

Mefiska, джевел оставляй - цена хз. Перчи и кольцо акаре.
Дракулсы стоят мал обычно, ботд не покуапл, но раза в полтора дешевле грифа...

Джевел приличный вполне, цена зависит от. Но вполне годится среднебогатым буржуям втыкать наемникам или себе в топоры какие-нить.

Кольцо сорка может носить, пока маны мало и резисты не так нужны - то бишь полнайтмара. Не стоит ничего.Перчи дрянь.
БОТД в эфирном Берсерке - ну, смотря по ЕД, и смотря какой Гриф, но средний такой в заваленном шмотом ладдере стоил бы... Фг этак 40+, наверн - Зод, болванка, Векс - все не очень дешево и не очень дорого.

07.10.2011, 08:02
Подскажите, сколько стоит Анди Фейс... ?

... Анди - как раз пул и дал бы, но тут зависит от конкретных спросов и сапплаев, то есть времени и места игры.

Сильно зависит от параметров. Если лоу - это почти фри шмот. А если перф (или почти) да ещё и эфирная.... На втором месяце после ресета на EUSCL мне за такую около 100 фг предлагали.

09.10.2011, 17:29
Сколько стоит Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye Swirling Crystal?

09.10.2011, 19:37
Сколько стоит Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye Swirling Crystal?

В TR сете, все кроме брони и амулета стоит пул.

14.10.2011, 15:48
50 забегов на хеллного Мефа, 2 раза дропнулся шлем и пояс.
Не думаю, что они стоят Пул.

14.10.2011, 15:51
50 забегов на хеллного Мефа, 2 раза дропнулся шлем и пояс.
Не думаю, что они стоят Пул.

Пул - максимум.

14.10.2011, 17:41
А минимум?)

14.10.2011, 18:16
А минимум?)

Фри или 2-3 джема)))

17.10.2011, 14:45
Сегодня хотел купит торч на Сору, предложили 11\18,что это значит?
Я понимаю что это уровень торча и знаю что 20\20 это самый лучший, но как опредилит свойства вот в таких случаях? Кстате, продавали за Векс. Дорого или нет?

17.10.2011, 17:44
Сегодня хотел купит торч на Сору, предложили 11\18,что это значит?
Я понимаю что это уровень торча и знаю что 20\20 это самый лучший, но как опредилит свойства вот в таких случаях? Кстате, продавали за Векс. Дорого или нет?

Когда продают торч, через слэш указывают его изменяющиеся параметры. Например торч который тебе предложили, имеет +11 ко всем статам персонажа и +18 к ресистам.

20/20 торч, соответственно имеет эти бонусы, равные 20 - их максимальному значению.

Та же история с Аннигилусом, только там, помимо статов и резов, указывается ещё и бонус к экспе(5-10%).

18.10.2011, 03:41
А на +скиллс нечего не влияет?
Цена, то норм была или высокая.

18.10.2011, 09:32
А на +скиллс нечего не влияет?
Цена, то норм была или высокая.

Неа, на торче всегда +3 к скиллам. Вопрос только в классе)))
Ну впринципе, торч средненький. К тому-же сейчас самый конец ладдера.
С другой стороны, сорковские и паладинские торчи самые дорогие... Попробуй сбить цену что-ли...

18.10.2011, 15:15
Спасибо друг, купил за Гул+ Ормус(мне он не нужен) и даже его цену не знаю
Еще вопросы, сколько стоит Спирит? Руны есть, нет подходящего щита под него. Может проще купить его самого?
Арахнид? Очень нужен, подозреваю что стоит, он не мало. )
Обменял Шако на Скулдер(660 девенс) чем он блин ценится, кроме МФ?

13.12.2011, 07:38
Подскажите цену
Lycander's aim Лук 14% дамага до макса не хватило(186% enhanced damage)
амулет Highlord's wrath
броня и шлем наталии
ормус(12%,12%,11% +3 ice blast)
играю на пг)

13.12.2011, 20:38
Подскажите цену
Lycander's aim Лук 14% дамага до макса не хватило(186% enhanced damage)
амулет Highlord's wrath
броня и шлем наталии
ормус(12%,12%,11% +3 ice blast)
играю на пг)

лук лем и меньше, хайлорд - пул, наталии шмот до пула за каждую хрень, ормус - пул и меньше.

05.01.2012, 08:47
Гуардиан ангел почти перф(198% защиты из 200)+ум
Dangoon's Teaching
броня тр
Горе сапоги
корона гризвольда
носферату пояс
Еще Lyzander's flank и ареат фейс(6 лайф лич,178% защиты)

07.01.2012, 01:37
Гуардиан ангел почти перф(198% защиты из 200)+ум
броня тр
Горе сапоги
корона гризвольда

ГА - Ист, можешь попробовать Ист+Ум тот-же попросить...
ТР броня - Мал-Ист, зависит от дефенса и нужд покупателя.
Горе Райдеры - зависит от ЕД.
Корона Гризвольда - Лем-Пул максимум, а скорее всего джемы.

11.04.2012, 14:37
Почем будет тиара 2necr 20fcr 30frw++ ?

12.04.2012, 14:00
кто-нить может оценить в hr на nonladdere колечко 10fcr-20str-11@?

12.04.2012, 22:58
Только тот, кто играет на том рилме на котором это кольцо предлагается.

13.04.2012, 23:52
Огромная благодарность за исчерпывающую информацию

15.04.2012, 12:59
Всегда рад помочь.

15.04.2012, 13:22
Честно говоря, порадовало то, что получил ответ от ppnikpa. Пусть с приличной долей сарказма, но все равно приятно^ Искренне рад тебя видеть, покоритель УТ! Действительно рад ;)

16.04.2012, 11:43
Взаимно. Мы по прежнему играем. Правда на харде дела идут не так быстро.

16.04.2012, 15:38
Да, я читал отчеты. Молодцы, я бы наверно не отважился на хардкоре в УТ соваться. Респект!

17.04.2012, 12:52
Уверен вы бы справились.

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13.10.2021, 18:16
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In the creation of innovative products one of the primary functions is the creation of the right partnership, with which it is possible to exchange technologies, recommendations in support of resource and financial support in addition to various other crucial aspects to creating a system that is developing. One international standard that provide guidelines for forming the most effective partnerships is EN ISO 56003: 2021.This document provides guidelines for innovation partnership. This document provides guidance on innovation partnerships. It provides the guidelines for innovation partnerships (see Clauses 4 to 8) and the sample tools (see Annexe A to Annex E).Decide if you would like you want to be part of an exciting partnershipYou can determine, evaluate, and then select your partners.• Be in tune with the values and the challenges that are perceived by the partnershipManage the interactions of your partnersThis document provides guidelines for all kinds of partnerships and collaborations. This document is applicable to all businesses, regardless of their size or product/service.A) Start ups working with larger organizations;b) SME's or larger companies;C. Private sector organizations with academic or public entitiesd. Academic, public, or not-for profit organizations.An innovation partnership begins by conducting a gap analysis. Then, it's then followed by identification and involvement of potential partners in innovation, and managing their interactions.This is a good standard for both larger and startup businesses. The topic of partnership is a crucial one. It's often the reason for the future success and growth of the business. Therefore, if your organization is aimed towards long-term growth it is recommended that you definitely pay attention to this document. See the most popular cen catalog standards en-iso-13164-3-2020 (https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/cen/a6dce5ea-357e-497d-8e15-d80ac20dc7ce/en-iso-13164-3-2020) site.

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Methodology To Minimize Environmental Impact In The Design And Manufacturing Of Mechanical Products EN 16524:2020
New technologies and increased air pollution are causing security and environmental problems. One of the documents that offer a solution to this problem is EN 16524: 2020.This document provides guidelines on ways to minimize the impact on the environment of product creation and development. It is specifically designed for mechanical products according to 3.1.This approach is especially for redesigning an existing product, but it can also be applied for the design of any new product provided that the essential assumptions regarding the (virtual) reference product are made. This approach is employed by businesses that have adopted an ecodesign strategy to reduce environmental impact during the life of their product.It helps meet certain requirements in ISO 14001, 2015 on the integration of environmental issues in the design of products. This document targets people who are directly involved in the design and development of mechanical products and also managers responsible for defining corporate policies, and decision-makers. This document is designed to spur ecodesign initiatives in companies, as part in the continuous improvement method that is based on education.This document provides a template for companies to make use of in their marketing regarding the environment. The document was not intended for you to evaluate products from various suppliers. This document cannot be used to validate products.This document is especially relevant in 21st century. That is why you should research the possibility of getting it, and then how you can integrate it into your business activities. See the top rated clc catalog standards en-60512-16-3-2008 (https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/clc/48a139b0-f4ea-4707-8879-61b716fb2c15/en-60512-16-3-2008) review.

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24.01.2022, 18:10
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25.01.2022, 02:00
A Business Trip Massage is a form of massage that promotes relaxation throughout a trip. It is also known as an executive massage. It is a wonderful way for you to relax and recharge after jet lag and physical strain. Massage can also help you sleep better in the evening. Here are a few advantages of a Business Travel Massage. Make use of this massage during your next trip. Massages for business trips are an excellent method to relax and get your mind back to normal during a business trip. It can alleviate tension and prevent back pain. There are numerous massage salons that offer this service. A relaxing massage lasting 15-20 minutes can be a wonderful method to relax after a long trip. A full-body massage makes an excellent present for business travellers. A Business Travel Massage is an excellent present for your employees as well as you. If you're a frequent traveler or a frequent flying, a massage will assist you to stay focused during long flights. A massage can help prevent chronic back pain and keep the possibility of a miserable trip due to chronic back pain. Swedish massages and deep tissue massages are a few of the most sought-after massages that travelers can avail. Aromatherapy massages are also extremely well-known. If you are on a budget and want to save money, a massage chair could be the best choice. See this 홈타이 (https://www.ihadboulder.org) for info.

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Business Travelers are able to benefit from massages during a trip. Massages are a wonderful method to keep your mind sharp and help you recover from long flights. Massages can also alleviate back pain. For those who travel for business the most popular types of massage are deep tissue massages and Swedish massages. If you're on the go, a 15- to 20-minute chair massage is an alternative. Business Travelers should get massages when they travel. One method to keep your brain alert and avoid back pain is to get an appointment for a massage on your journey. A massage for business trips can be as easy as a 15-minute chair massage or a full body Swedish massage. A good business massage could be the difference between relaxing and stressful journey. Good massages will help you get more done and less stressful. A massage can help business travelers stay calm and focused throughout an excursion. A massage can help prevent back pain. The massage can assist you in recuperating from long flight. This massage can also prevent the development of chronic back discomfort. There are many types of massages for travelers. You have the option of Swedish or deep tissue massages, along with aromatherapy and deep-tissue massages. Chair massages are quick and convenient to perform from any location. If you're traveling for business and want to relax, a massage in a chair can be arranged.

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07.03.2022, 19:24
Everything You Need To Be Aware Of About The Dark Web
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What Is The Surface Web?
Sites that are visible to the general public (or surface web) without Tor or other software or browsers are known as the open web. Websites that are on the surface are also indexable and can be easily found by using search engines. Although the surface web contains several popular.com and.net sites however, it's only around 5percent. The remainder of the internet's content can be found on dark or deep web sites. As an example, you can think of the web's surface as a tip or a large iceberg. The majority of content is hidden below the surface.

What Is The Difference Between The Deep Web (Or Dark Web)?
Millions of internet users regularly browse private databases such as email inboxes or credit card accounts every day. They are not indexed by search engines. They are secured behind security barriers and authentication forms as and passwords on the internet's deep web.

Around 90% of all websites are found on the deep Web. Many are used and maintained by companies and government agencies, as well as nonprofits and various other organisations. The dark web, commonly known as the deep web is an area on the internet that can only be accessible by users with Tor. Most internet users won't need to connect to content on the dark web although it's legal to do so.

What Happened To The Dark Web?
The dark web is known to have begun in 2000 with the release of Freenet which was the thesis work of University of Edinburgh student Ian Clarke who was attempting to develop an "Distributed Decentralised Information Storage and Retrieval System." Clarke set out to create an anonymous way to communicate and share files online. This was the basis for Tor Project. The Tor Project was launched in 2002. A browser was introduced in the year 2008. Tor enabled users to use the internet in anonymity. Users were also able to explore websites that weren't considered part the "dark net" by using Tor.

How The Dark Web Works
The dark web was first used anonymously by the United States Department of Defense. It has become an important hub for anonymous users across the world. It is used by individuals who are using it for illegal and legal purposes. It utilizes an encryption technology known as "onion route," which blocks the surveillance and tracking of users through encrypted servers. Tor users can connect to any website to the site via Tor. The information they provide is routed through thousands of relay points which hide their tracks and make it almost impossible for anyone to trace their online activities.

Legal Uses Of The Dark Web
While using the dark web may seem suspicious from the surface it is legal. There are many legitimate uses for Tor, anonymous browsing, and Tor. The dark internet is often utilized by countries with government surveillance to monitor and repress political opposition. This lets them communicate with no fear of surveillance by the government. These additional security measures do not suffice to shield users from the dark web. Users should be cautious about using it and use security measures like frequently updating their security software and using a strong VPN.

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07.03.2022, 19:27
All You Need To Learn About The Dark Web
The majority of Internet users browse websites via the "surface web", a portion of the internet which is where popular search engines index sites . It is also accessible with traditional browsers. The surface web can represent the vast majority of the content that users view however the dark web has many hidden layers. The Onion Router is a specially designed browser that allows users to look around for hidden websites. Users are also able to engage in illegal and legal activities using an anonymous IP address. Here's how the dark net works , and how users can access it legally and illegally. Check out these dark web links (https://darkweblinks.com/) for info.

What Exactly Is The Surface Web?
Sites on the "surface web" (or open internet) are web pages that are accessible to ordinary users without Tor or any other special browsers. Sites found on the surface are easily searchable and searched by search engines. While the surface web includes many popular.com and.net sites, it is only about 5percent. The majority of the web's content is available on the deep web or dark websites. In a classic illustration the surface web could be imagined as the tip of a large iceberg whose bulk remains hidden just under the surface.

What Is The Difference Between Deep Web And The Dark Web And How Do You Tell?
Millions of regular internet users access private databases every day including email inboxes, as well as credit card accounts. These databases are not indexable by search engines, and are protected by security barriers such as authentication forms, passwords, and passwords on deep internet.

Nearly 90% of websites are found on deep web. A lot of them are used for business reasons by government agencies, corporations as well as non-profit organisations. The dark web is a component of the deep web. This area of the internet can only be accessed by Tor users. In general, most average internet users will never need to connect to content on the dark web, but it is perfectly legal to utilize Tor.

What Happened To The Dark Web?
The introduction of Freenet in 2000 as the thesis of University of Edinburgh student Ian Clarke who sought to build a distributed , decentralised storage and retrieval system, is believed to be the beginning of the dark web. Clarke aimed to create an entirely new method of anonymity to connect and share files online. The foundation was laid for the Tor Project. The Tor Project was established in 2002. A browser was launched in 2008. Tor enabled users to browse the internet in anonymity. Users could also explore sites that were not considered as part of the "dark internet" through Tor.

How The Dark Web Works
The original purpose of the dark web was to enable anonymous communication between the United States Department of Defense and its users. It has since been transformed into a global platform for anonyme internet users. It is used by people who are using it for illegal and legal reasons. It utilizes a method known as "onion routing," which shields users from monitoring and from tracking by a random route of servers that are encrypted. Users can use Tor to browse a website. Their data is sent through thousands and thousands of relay points, that cover their footprints and make it nearly impossible to be traced.

Legal Uses Of Dark Web
While using the dark web may seem to be a bit suspicious, it is perfectly legal, and there are many legitimate uses of Tor and anonymous browsing. The dark web is utilized in countries where surveillance is used to deter and monitor political opponents. It also allows for communication without government scrutiny and the censorship. Despite these added layers of security, users should be aware of the dark web and take the appropriate precautions to protect themselves including regularly updating their security software, browsing via a secure VPN and staying clear of using a standard email address.

Illegal Uses Of The Dark Web
Because of its anonymity, the dark web can be used for both illegal and illicit uses. These include illegal weapons, drugs, passwords and identity theft as well as illegal pornography trading and the sale and purchase of illicit drugs. Recently, a number of websites hosting illegal content have been shut down by the government agencies. The anonymity of dark web sites has resulted in numerous security breaches and data breaches in the past few decades.

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07.10.2022, 19:12
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08.11.2022, 22:08
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06.12.2022, 09:10
What Exactly Is The Mantra Bracelet And How Can It Benefit You?
Mantra bracelets are a type of Tibetan bracelet that is charged with the mystical energy. Mantras can also be described as words, phrases or syllables. It is composed of the Sanskrit words mantras (which translate to "to think"), and tra (which literally refers to "tools or instruments". In the same way, mantra is a device that helps you to concentrate your thoughts. In order to assist with their prayers, Buddhist and Hindu monks would wear bracelets with mantras. They would wear these bracelets to count the number of times they recite a mantra. Now mantra bracelets don't have to be only used by monks. People of all ages can be seen sporting such bracelets in the present. What's the reason behind this? A mantra bracelet is used to pray, so many believe it absorbs the positive energy of all. For this reason, people would wear these pieces as a charm for good luck and security. They would wear them to transmit the energy of the bracelet into the wearer.

How Are Mantra Bracelets Made?
Mantra bracelets that are made from mantras are typically handmade by monks from the region. As they create the bracelet, tie it, and then weave the bracelet, they will recite a sacred Hindu mantra or Buddhist mantra. It is believed that the bracelet will be filled with spiritual energy through this ceremony. They are typically made using a special knot, known as the "endless rope." It is among the eight Buddhist symbols that are believed to be auspicious. Most mantra bracelets also come with beads made of wood, seeds, or gemstones. Metal-based mantra bracelets are also feasible, as are ropes. They are typically worn with an Buddhist or Hindu phrase etched on the surface. See the top buddha power bracelet (https://mantrapiece.com/products/eternal-power-mantra-buddha-bracelet) for info.


Om is a powerful mantra in Hinduism. It is a sacred utterance comprised of three syllables, A-U-M. Om is the sound that represents everything in Hinduism. It is an emblem which represents all the creations. If chanted, it's believed to trigger resonances that connect you to the energies of the universe.

Om Mani Padme Hum
Om Mani Padme Hum is the main mantra in Buddhism. The six-syllable mantra loosely translate to "the jewel is within the lotus." It means that enlightenment, or the "jewel," can be found in wisdom, the "lotus." When chanted the mantra is believed to cleanse impure thoughts and body as well as our speech. It removes us from hatred, desire, and greed and replaces them with wisdom, patience, and generosity. This is believed to help us overcome the root of our problems.

Heart Sutra
The Heart Sutra is another sacred text in Buddhism. It teaches us that the way to attain wisdom is emptying the five elements of human existence. This involves letting go of our form, feelings, thoughts, will, and consciousness. The ability to achieve wisdom will allow you to be free from suffering.

Inspirational Words
Apart from prayers Custom mantra bracelets with motivational quotes are also well-known. Many bangles, cuffs and bracelets can be personalized with inspirational quotes that will enable you to live a more fulfilling everyday.

Where Can You Put On The Mantra Bracelet?
The left hand of yours should wear the bracelet. Many believe that your left hand is the receptive. When the mantra bracelet is put on one side of your body, it absorbs the vibrations. However when you wear it on the right hand is going to release the energy. The right hand is considered to be the projective.

Where To Buy Mantra Bracelets
Wearing a mantra bracelet is a great way to reap the many benefits. Buddha & Karma offers a selection of Tibetan mantra bracelets. The bracelets we offer are blessed with powerful vibrations that are believed to bring good luck, happiness, and protection. Get your mantra bracelet now!


6 Ways A Mantra Bracelet Can Help You
1. It is possible to use a mantra bracelet with beads to help with your focus. Like the rosary it's a great way to keep you in the right direction while meditation.

2. Reminder
Mantra bracelets typically have significant teachings of Buddhism and Hinduism inscribed on them. Wearing these bracelets is an excellent way to live these virtues. It's as if you have a prayer by your side each day.

3. It will assist you in finding true wisdom
A mantra bracelet can help you focus and clear your mind while you meditate. It is believed that it can eliminate impurities from your mind, body, and speech. The pure version of you is possible by getting rid of any negative beliefs. Thus, helping you attain enlightenment.

4. Inspire Healing
These bracelets can be utilized to alter your chakra because they carry positive energy. They are known to improve the flow in your energy centers. It is believed that they bring healing powers when worn as an oath bracelet.

5. Brings Happiness and Good Luck
The words spoken to bless the bracelet are believed to be in tune with the frequencies that emanate from the universe. It aligns the energy of you and your environment. This will allow you to draw all good things including luck and happiness.

6. Grants Protection
Mantra bracelets are also able to connect you to spiritual energies. The divine energy acts as your guide, protector, and friend. A mantra bracelet helps protect you from negative energy at all costs.

The Most Commonly Used Mantras For Bracelets
Monks from Tibet are known to chant sacred phrases, words, and sounds to bless their bracelets. These are the most frequently employed mantras for bracelets in the present.

06.12.2022, 22:58
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08.12.2022, 08:58
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08.12.2022, 10:14
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08.12.2022, 10:53
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