Просмотр полной версии : Кто покупает рассаду овощей оптом?

01.09.2021, 13:52
Кто покупает рассаду овощей оптом? Подскажите, где выгоднее всего брать?

02.09.2021, 10:36
Я уже много лет выращиваю овощи на продажу, рассаду чаще всего вот в этом питомнике заказываю https://elite-agro.ru/ . Беру здесь помидоры, огурцы и кабачки, остальное сам выращиваю в теплице. Рассада хорошо приживается, при правильном уходе даёт много плодов.

07.09.2021, 17:55
А зачем покупать оптом? Вы бы, прежде чем, заказывать большие объемы, сперва изучили статью https://teplica-exp.ru/rassada-pomidorov/ о помидорах и рассаде. Оказывается, с ними нужно быть очень аккуратными, чтобы они начали подниматься после того, как вы их высадили, необходимо соблюдать множество правил, которые как раз описанны в этой статье. Сперва изучите ее, а потом уже будете заказывать опт.

17.11.2021, 09:00
Мы выращиваем все сами. Причем прямо в квартире. Не поверите, но нам помогает чудесный готовый гроубокс https://gidrabox.ru/category/gotovye-grouboksy/ Придумали такой чудо-шкаф, где созданы все условия для выращивания растений круглый год.

30.11.2021, 04:40
What are the primary benefits of Autonomous Mobile Robots

1. More flexibility
Autonomous Mobile Robots are flexible and agile because they rely on cameras and sensors on board to perform. Autonomous Mobile Robots don't need to follow predefined paths. They are able to create their own efficient routes within the facility. This helps them avoid obstructions. Autonomous Mobile Robots can change tasks faster than other automation technologies. Check out this Autonomous Mobile Robot (https://lowpad.com) info for more.

2. Increased safety
Autonomous Mobile Robots are stocked with sensors and cameras. They allow the Autonomous Mobile Robot to comprehend and perceive its surroundings. It is able to move through an area efficiently, without having to come into contact with people, objects, infrastructure, or people. Forklifts and other equipment operated by humans, similar to forklifts have fewer safety features however they still depend on input from humans. Autonomous Mobile Robots are safer than humans. Human operators can get lost or exhausted, which could lead to an accident. Autonomous Mobile Robots are utilized for repeatable tasks which reduces the risk of human error and greatly increases security.

3. Quick Implementation
Autonomous Mobile Robots are typically deployed within four to six weeks according to the particulars of the project. The most important aspect here is picking the software and warehouse execution program that the units need to be integrated into. Even at the very top of the line this is still a relatively short period in comparison to other technologies. A goods-to-person-system (G2P) could take more than a year to implement.

4. Ability to increase scale
Autonomous Mobile Robots are able to be installed within an organization in a easy manner. It is possible to follow an approach of modular deployment beginning with just a few units and adding more as you need them. It is possible to start by building your fleet in stages. This saves you a significant amount of money upfront. It is possible to save money by using modular deployment, meaning you can take on other projects while you analyze the effects of Autonomous Mobile Robots and decide on your next steps.

5. Moving between facilities is simple and easy.
Some businesses may be reluctant to look into automated options because they are aware that the move to a new facility could soon be possible. It is a great idea. The new system will be retired in the next two years. Autonomous Mobile Robots may be useful in these situations to bridge the gap. Autonomous Mobile Robots are easy to deploy and can be moved easily between facilities. They can be used to facilitate automation, even in the short term. This can be an advantage for businesses that are seeking to set up temporary activities during the holidays.

16.05.2022, 13:36
Я покупаю рассаду овощей на сайте Сад Торг. У них цены выгодные, так что опт не нужен, да и ассортимент большой. Вот ссылка на их сайт https://sad-torg.ru/catalog/rasteniya/rassada_ovoshchnaya/